Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Educate Parents to Use Smartphones and Tablets

There is often talk of the importance of educating children and adolescents to use new technologies. In fact, the Internet is an extremely useful and powerful tool, capable of improving the quality of life in an extraordinary way. Through the mobile phone, in fact, today we can read books, search for recipes, shop and find our way around the world. In short, with the cell phone we can do almost everything. As an extremely powerful tool, however, it is important to use it properly and responsibly. This is why it is important to invest in education for new technologies of the new generations. But to do this, of course, the adult should also get involved. Often, in fact, we overlook the fact that it is fundamental, first of all, to educate parents on the use of smartphones and tablets. Only in this way, in fact, it is possible to transmit a positive and responsible model for the use of new technologies.


It is impossible and, above all, useless and harmful to completely deprive children of new technologies. Our society is moving in that direction and, therefore, it is more appropriate to educate children to use the Internet in a conscious and responsible way, rather than to completely deprive them. Obviously, however, it is essential to take into account the age and development level of the child. It is impossible to think, in fact, that a four-year-old boy could have the same access to a cell phone as a twelve-year-old boy.
Today's babies are called "digital natives" because, from birth, they find themselves immersed in technology. Perhaps for the first time in history, they are the little ones who apparently seem to know more about their parents on how to use smartphones and tablets. The children, in fact, already very young, manage to explain how to move in the world of the internet. For their parents, however, it is often a relatively new reality. They approached technologies perhaps as a child, but were not born immersed in this world. Even for adults, therefore, the world of the Internet and its potential are still to be discovered. For this reason, perhaps, it is necessary to take a step back before educating children to use the Internet. It is fundamental, in fact, to ask ourselves if, as adults, we know how to regulate ourselves in the use of new technologies.


Many times parents report serious concerns about the time children spend in front of their cell phones. This is understandable. Recent studies show that, on average, children, even very small ones, spend most of their day in front of a device. It really makes an impression to see how absorbed the children are in front of a screen. If we happen to see a child in front of a phone and / or a tablet, we all remain open-mouthed. But let's try a moment to broaden our horizon. Let's try to look around on the subway, at the bus stop or in a bar. What are most adults doing?
We live in a world completely immersed in new technologies. Staying out of them is impossible, but learning to use them consciously and responsibly is possible. Indeed, our duty. How can we educate children to use their mobile phone responsibly if they don't commit themselves to work first? Educating parents on the use of smartphones and tablets therefore becomes fundamental.


New technologies are taking up our time more and more. How often do we watch the time on the phone? The arrival of a WhatsApp message, Facebook notification or Instagram like? The time of the appointment at the dentist? The title of that song we don't remember anymore? And if there is some free time, who is not going to browse the profiles of friends and acquaintances? In short, how many times in an hour do we unlock the keyboard and look at the bright screen?
As is known, children struggle to manage time in front of telephones. And the same goes for adults too. For this reason, educating parents on the use of smartphones and tablets is essential. Not to demonize its use, but to be aware of the effort that can be done to get away from the phone. In fact, the risk of becoming dependent on it is very high.


Not only. An American research has highlighted another very important effect of the excessive use of mobile phones and tablets. The study, conducted by Illinois State University and the University of Michigan, focused on the concept of techno reference. The term indicates the interference during interactions related to the continuous and repeated interruptions related to the use of the mobile phone. In fact, communication is not just verbal. When two people interact, looks and eye contact also become fundamental. Inevitably, with the constant interruptions related to the use of the mobile phone, this communication is disturbed. And this also occurs in the interaction between parents and children.
The results are worrying. The constant interruption to throw an eye on the mobile phone, reply to the message or watch social media can lead to important consequences on the relationship between parents and children. This emerges especially when they occur in daily sharing moments, such as during meals or in the routine of falling asleep. But not only. Research shows that the effects of techno-resistance can also be transferred to the psycho-emotional well-being of children. Indeed, emotional or behavioral difficulties may arise.


Smartphones and cell phones allow us to do many things. Some of these, unthinkable even just a few decades ago. That said, the time spent in front of smartphones and tablets is far too much. Some studies indicate that the time spent in front of the mobile phone by adults is really a lot. How, then, to educate parents on the use of smartphones and tablets, so that they can also be a reference model for children? First, it is important to share some rules. This does not mean that the time that parents have to stay on the phone must be equal to that of the children. Rather. The adult also uses it (but not always) for valid reasons. However, at the same time, it is important to share some rules for positive and responsible use. The concepts on which it can be useful to reflect are:


How long can you stay in front of the screen? For adults, it can be helpful to monitor the time spent in front of the phone. There are several applications, created precisely to empower a conscious use of smartphones. Sometimes, having an idea of ​​the time spent online can lead us to reflect and change our habits.


Can the mobile phone always be used? It is now automatic to remove the mobile phone from your pocket or bag as soon as you have a free moment. Even at the supermarket checkout, to cheat time. But also when chatting with friends, during family meals, before falling asleep. Choosing together the moments in which it is good to leave the mobile phone aside can be very useful for carving out moments that are not polluted by continuous interference and distractions.
As repeatedly said, new technologies are a very powerful resource. The opportunities they offer us are innumerable. There is no need, therefore, to demonize technology and progress, but it is much more useful to take action to make responsible and positive use of it. For this reason, educating parents on the use of smartphones and tablets becomes a main objective.

Source: Early Childhood Education And Care Certification Melbourne

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