Friday, August 23, 2019

Homework: How to Manage It the Right Way?

The question about homework is always on. There are those who support its importance and those who, instead, would like to see them drastically reduced. There are children who like to carry out school activities at home. Other times, instead, it can happen that children show resistance in doing their homework, they get desperate and take a long time before deciding to put their head on school books. This becomes very stressful for the children themselves and also for their parents. The latter, in fact, can struggle to find the right ways to help their children carry out the activities assigned to them.
Regardless of the position in this regard, if a school assigns homework, it should be done. It is important to understand how to make the exercises a useful training, avoiding turning this moment into a war ground between parents and children.



It is important to decide together the best time to do homework, based on the needs of the child and the parents. If there are many things to do, it is appropriate to set breaks, to disconnect and recharge your energy. Taking revitalizing moments is not a waste of time, on the contrary. The breaks may prove useful to recuperate and get back to work with the right energy.
Organizing the afternoon study is essential. It is necessary to create an afternoon schedule. This allows to define which activities are preferable to carry out first and which ones, instead, can be performed at the end of the day. This organization is functional for distributing energy. Planning the afternoon also allows you to take the time to develop your passions and cultivate your interests.


This point is fundamental and often overlooked. There is no way to study in a quiet and well-oxygenated place to promote concentration. Especially nowadays, where the sources of distraction are many (cell phone, television, pc,), it is important to set up an orderly and quiet space to study. It can be the bedroom if you have a desk. Or the kitchen table can be fine too, at a time when silence reigns. It is better to avoid studying, instead, lying on the bed or leaning on the sofa.
The choice of a tidy and well-lit space, therefore, is essential for dedicating oneself to homework, in a functional and less dispersive manner.


Paradoxically, we are inclined to engage in things that already do well. Seeing that our commitment produces good results leads us to improve more and more, to achieve excellence. If, instead, we see that despite our commitment the results are scarce, we often tend to break down and abandon. Precisely for this reason it is important to highlight the small and large achievements, the commitment and determination of children. We need to create a virtuous circle, which encourages young people to continue to work, to learn better and better. Being aware of being able to do it, in fact, is the first step to be able to reach the goal.

The motivation in school is the driving Prince to encourage good learning. We need to focus a lot on this aspect, so that learning is not mere passive memorization of information. A motivated student, in fact, makes the knowledge learned his own, as he considers it useful for himself and for his own cultural baggage. Only a motivated study therefore guarantees real learning.
To foster motivation and experience one's own effectiveness, it is essential to build one's own method of study. Clicking here you can download the eBook “Learn to study ", full of practical tips and reflections to build your own method to study in a functional way.


How do we react to the activities we have to do? Do we complain every day? Do we also welcome the activities that we like least, taking advantage of the positive aspects? It seems trivial, but children absorb as sponges not only what we tell them to do, but above all how we behave in everyday life. We teach children the enthusiasm and passion for small everyday discoveries, even those that may seem trivial. Nobody likes cleaning the floor, but it allows us to live in a clean environment. Likewise, operations are not always pleasant to do, but can be useful to go alone to buy sweets from the tobacconist.

As always, the example that adults offer to children is a central aspect of education. Dealing with even the most arduous tasks with enthusiasm and passion can be a useful lesson to show the children. And this applies to small and big things.


Growing up, it is important for the child to be empowered and to increase his autonomy. To take responsibility, it is necessary not to substitute one’s own children. Allowing them to organize themselves and manage themselves in a gradual manner is the only way that children can demonstrate that they can do it themselves. Only by letting they experiment (and therefore also making mistakes) can children develop the self-discipline necessary to become autonomous. Obviously you can't expect autonomy to come at any moment. Training and exercise is needed. In the long run, however, this will help the child find their own method of study.

Sometimes, the tendency is to overpower children, even trying to replace them. In doing so, however, children are not protected, indeed. Depriving them of little experiences of frustration, children have no way to train themselves to cope with the events that inevitably meet in their path.
To foster autonomy in tasks, it is necessary to move gradually. If the child has been accustomed to being followed in the execution of the activities, the child can gradually be managed independently. For example, you can help the child structure the activity frame. It can be useful, in fact, to create together the planning of the activities to be done, to give oneself times and objectives. In conclusion, it may be important to make a final check: cover the tasks together, understand what was not understood and what can be done together.


Children often struggle to find their own method of study. In these cases it may be useful to accompany the children on a path to learn to study efficiently.
Sometimes, however, lack of motivation and difficulty in studying can reveal a moment of impasse. It is important, therefore, to observe your children to try to understand if a possible discomfort can hide behind what can be considered a trivial whim. In this case, an in-depth analysis can help you understand what lies behind the difficulty in homework and how to deal with the situation constructively.

Source: Early Childhood Education And Care Certification Melbourne